In Via

You were made to live a fully awake and fully alive life. Yet many of us come to a realization we’ve been sleepwalking through the days, weeks and maybe even years. This is often a necessary survival mechanism - born from deep traumas, woundedness, crippling anxiety or patterns of dissociation. These many “pain points” in our story cause us to become disintegrated in who we are and can manifest in unwanted thoughts, patterns and behaviors. Although messy and often chaotic, healing and integration are possible.

I aim to accompany you through whatever trenches you find yourself in and to gently provide space for you to work through some of the knots in your heart. My natural inclination is to invite spirituality into the therapeutic practice as Catholicity frames the way I view joy and pain, beauty and woundedness and all issues related to being human. Although I believe incorporating spirituality enriches the therapeutic process, I will never force spirituality among clients and welcome all who are yearning for the space to begin again. 

In Via Counseling, the Latin phrase for “On the Way” is a space where I hope to walk alongside you! I welcome the opportunity to partner with you during this chapter of your journey.